Posts tagged with Ahana-Yoga
Suspended Equilibrium
2022-10-27 21:23:00 UTCEmbarking on the exhilarating journey of handstands is a captivating experience. Guided by Yogis Dawn Feinberg and Jonah Kest, we push the vertical boundaries into uncharted territories of strength and balance. It is like a metaphorical voyage with every inversion; as we challenge our bodies we also confront our deepest…
A Joyful Union of Voices
2022-10-09 20:24:00 UTCKirtan, a sacred practice rooted in ancient traditions, brings people together in a joyful union of voices, as sankirtana chants, radiating with energy, love, and a shared spiritual connection. Through the rhythmic repetition of mantras, hearts open, and voices harmonize, creating a collective energy that transcends the boundaries of individuality…