Sunday in the Park

Miami’s South Point Park is a showcase of collaboration and mutual trust.  Rooted in partnership, each Acro-athlete holds and supports one another in complex and graceful poses.  Watching them rise to the sky inspires… to push past boundaries, to embrace challenges with grace, and to support and be supported by those around us. 

Yoga with @Shimi_Pop

Amidst the bustling urban landscape of downtown Miami, Sarita(aka @Shimi_Pop), embodies the rejuvenating spirit of yoga. In a remarkable juxtaposition, an empty building floor is transformed into a Japanese zen garden, seamlessly blending the modern urban environment with ancient practices of mindfulness. The space, once cold and industrial, now radiates a profound sense of strength, agility, beauty, and courage. Each image becomes a visual narrative showcasing the enduring power of yoga to transform and inspire.

K Town

As I walked the storied streets of Kingston, affectionately known as K-town, I felt the palpable presence of its rich history. Once the capital of Canada, this quaint Ontario community, founded by Europeans in the 17th century, still carries the legacy of its past. After the American Revolution, English Royalists sought refuge here, shaping the town’s early character. Although Kingston’s tenure as the capital lasted only three years, its historical significance endures. The city’s charm is vividly expressed through its picturesque limestone waterfront architecture, thriving universities, music scene, vast prison system, and array of diverse culinary delights.

Bikini Abstract

At Miami Swim Week the runway becomes a canvas, awash with colors and shapes, celebrating the boundless beauty of diversity.  Models, like graceful sirens, glide along the catwalk adorned in swimsuits that epitomize artistic elegance. Each design is a masterpiece, a dazzling fusion of fabrics and textures that weave stories of tropical paradises and sun-kissed shores.  Spectators are captivated, their senses enveloped by the enchanting spectacle. The rhythmic beats of Miami music, the shimmering lights, and the ethereal beauty of the models create a dreamlike realm where fashion transcends mere clothing, becoming a vibrant celebration of life and individuality.


At South Pointe Park in Miami Beach, Acro-Yoga blossoms into a captivating fusion of acrobatics and yoga,  against a backdrop of panoramic sunset vistas, swaying palm trees, and the soothing rhythm of the ocean’s gentle breeze. Here, amidst this natural symphony, couples unite in a harmonious dance of strength and grace, their synchronized movements a testament to trust and connection. As they soar to new heights, their spirits lift in unison, transcending the earthly realm to touch the boundless expanse of the sky. In this sacred union of body and soul, Acro-Yoga becomes more than just a physical practice—it becomes a transformative journey of intimacy and exploration, where each lift reveals another  level of self-actualization. 

A Spiritual Journey to India

Embarking on a life-enriching yoga retreat to India was an extraordinary opportunity that opened doors to profound self-discovery and spiritual growth. When I finally made it home eighteen days later, I was ten pounds lighter but filled with a newly found spiritual richness. 

Our Journey wound through Udaipur, Rishikesh, Vrindavan and countless other small towns and villages. We travelled by air on two local flights, over ten hours on buses, and countless rickshaw rides on dusty cobble stone streets.  This was not a typical “Top 10 India” vacation. It was curated to be a back-roads spiritual retreat to hidden temples and out of the way ashrams. Our days were adorned with yoga and endless conversations with Hindi monks, Kirtan gurus, and musical sages, enriching our souls with profound wisdom and captivating melodies. 

This magical mystery tour was guided by musical luminaries as we carried a symphony of instruments including bongo drums, harmoniums, flutes, violins, guitars,  maracas, and symbols.  Wherever our trek unfolded, our Kirtan chanting infused the air  with soul-stirring melodies,  enveloping the hearts and souls of our group and resonating deeply with those nearby. India felt like a dream come true, akin to fulfilling my teenage fantasy of being part of a rock and roll band.

As the trip evolved, we shed layers of attachment and became closer to the Krishna culture and spiritual world.  Abstaining from familiar comforts and routines, sleep was relegated to just a few hours a day. Most of us abstained from eating meat, milk products, drinking  alcohol, social media, sex, political talk/news, work, or following our customary religious activities. Coffee and other stimulates (like garlic and onions, which are prohibited in the Hindi religion) was also reduced dramatically. 

Throughout this  life enriching passage, the theme of “letting go” echoed persistently, from losing luggage, being prohibited from photographing temples, to mischievous monkeys pilfering our beloved belongings. Even in the face of physical injuries, the lesson of surrendering to life’s unpredictable currents resonated deeply, highlighting the necessity of embracing the ebb and flow of existence. Despite our clinging to the illusion of control, we inherently acknowledge that fate or karma often shape our destinies beyond our meticulous plans and strategies. I kept thinking, that if you take away all the things that are part of the “you”, then what is this other “you” that is left?  

Submerged in the icy embrace of the mother Ganga river, a surge of serene comfort caressed my soul. While my breath anchored me to the present, I meditated on life’s meaning: to let go of past demons but more importantly to give thanks to all those loving souls and teachers who have been with me throughout the years. Ultimately, every traveler arrives here seeking to shed the burdens of the past, seeking fresh perspectives amidst life’s trials, and ultimately transcending to a higher realm. For some, it’s breaking free from the cycle of rebirth, while for others, it’s about embracing peace and infusing life with love.

@kishrico, @dawnbyoga, @sandipani.108, @mommyisbusy, @guaravani, @cindylieber, @jaraeisen, @prieurleary, @missvvonderful, @susanbisnoff, @karivi_, @mcyogi, @jaraeisen, @daniela_gutierrez, @stephanbolivar, @ chandra scarcella, @nikkie_rox, @michelle_lister

Infinit Chi

Infinit Chi is about looking beyond the image into the reflection of the un-seen.  Color is removed to eliminate the extraneous and help the subconscious mind find simplicity. Like a figure eight (8), the energy is simple yet ever flowing. 

-  Caribbean Pool - is transformed into a sea of energy. The sun beats down producing an overwhelming brilliance of large vibrating squares.  The water, once placid, now reflects electricity that mirrors its material base. It is an ever evolving process of quantum change. 

-  Impressions from the sand -  eliminates traces all of previous steps, a fresh canvass is ready, for us to uncover, create, and play.   This is our opportunity, a chance anew to seize the day.  

-  Art Gallery Floor - is not on the curated, not bound by color, pattern, or artistic claim.  It is a simple reflection of art in a gallery. It hangs in the imagination and awaits for each person’s individual creation.  

-  Person on a Train - a kaleidoscope of thoughts reflects upon the window.  It is a snap shot into the brain, a symphony of synapses that segues from one fear, fantasy, and romantic reverie to another. 

A Kaleidoscope of Colors

In the kaleidoscope of India’s colors, every shade tells a story, the symphony of music and light orchestrates a mesmerizing spectacle, transporting one into a realm of fantastical euphoria and profound spiritual resonance. Whether it’s the flickering glow of candles adorning the sacred Ganga riverbanks, the ethereal chants in Vrindavan, the tranquil solitude within the hallowed halls of a Jain temple, or the resplendent Kirtan Ceremony at the Jagdish Temple, each experience is a brushstroke on the canvas of existence, infusing life with renewed vigor and celestial vibrations. India, with its mystical alchemy, transcends the mundane, turning the ordinary into extraordinary, and offering a gateway to boundless transformation and enlightenment.

Life to Life - Sint Maarten

Last week Sint Maarten celebrated the opening of Vie l’Ven - a new five star Caribbean resort. The fashion extravaganza beach party blended beautiful colors and flowing robes that washed across the blue sky while pristine white sands carresed bare laden manicured feet.  

One Love

As I drive by Fleet Street in Kingston, Jamaica, the walls resonate with unity, passion, and a dreamscape where melodies and memories dance together. Bold shades of red, yellow, black, and green create a mosaic of feelings, with each brushstroke narrating stories of strength and beat. The aroma of history hangs in the breeze, blending with the rhythms of reggae reverberating through the alleys. A complex history of slavery and struggle intertwines with the aspirations for freedom and equality.  On many of the walls a  “Six Star with a Seven Inside,” is seen as a representation of the Jamaican national motto: “Out of Many, One People.” The six-pointed star represents the country’s six original ethnic groups: Taino, Spaniards, Africans, British, Indians, and Chinese. The seventh shape inside the star symbolizes the unity that arises from the diverse people coming together as one nation. It serves as a powerful emblem of Jamaican identity, inclusivity, and unity in diversity. It’s a narrative of liberation from the shackles of colonialism and the fight against gender oppression. Amidst it all, there’s a palpable sense of optimism in Jamaica for a brighter future, where diversity thrives and love prevails.


In this seaside reverie, Miami Beach umbrellas cease to be mere objects—they are strokes of inspiration on the canvas of Miami’s coastal charm. The beach, now an open-air gallery, invites you to immerse yourself in the beauty of fleeting patterns and new shapes, reminding us that even the ordinary can become extraordinary through the lens of perception and the artistry of motion.

Basel Fusion

In the ethereal dance of Art Basel in Miami, feminine forms blend seamlessly with intricate patterns, creating a kaleidoscope of new sizes and shapes. Reflective fashion transcend the tangible, giving birth to a symphony of abstract art, an interplay of space and time. In this blended form of art, women become one with the paintings creating a mesmerizing journey through time, where the vibration of energy creates a captivating narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional perception.

Mr. Invincible Sun

In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. Truly yours, Albert Camus”


With  the early morning sun, the Miami Beach Halloween Marathon brings a mesmerizing combination of running shoes and countless costumes.  This savorying sight dazzles like a vivid testament to childhood dreams filling the Miami Beach salt air with a touch of humor, nostalgia and just pure freakiness. 

Deco Abstract

As I leave my camera’s shutter open, the storied architecture of South Beach blur the boundaries between reality and artistry, transcending the realm of mere buildings into something far more profound. The spirit of abstract impressionism has been etched into the very essence of these hotels, with each brushstroke of architectural brilliance imbuing them with a sense of dynamic motion and artistic expression. The result is a sensory feast, an explosion of color and form that invites you to step into a realm where reality and imagination dance in harmonious tandem; they are portals to another dimension, where every visit feels like a journey into a living work of art, a testament to the timeless allure of #MiamiBeach.

Sun-kissed Puerto Rico

Do  you seek solitude in secluded Caribbean coves? or yoga-chic beachfront bars?  Puerto Rico offers a multi-sensory escape that beckons in paradise. Sun-kissed Caribbean shores, like nature’s own masterpiece, stretch out along the golden coastline. The sight of the deep blue waters merging with the sky on the horizon is a visual poem of kite surfing and sand soaked walks.  In the heart of Old San Juan, the architecture  is like a weathered storyteller texturing tales of Spanish conquests and colonial grandeur.  Like a time-traveling ‘Bomba’ dancer, colonial treasures grace cobblestone streets, their pastel facades reminiscent of a tropical ’trinitaria’ in full bloom. 

A Fertile Embrace

 In the enchanting California’s landscape, cerulean waters embrace the coastline’s curves while undulating emerald hills bask in the essence of organic vineyards; a spectacular performance crafting a symphony of flavors tantalizing to both the palate and eye in a fertile embrace.  

A Dance of Devotion

And then, the dance begins. Our limbs sway and our bodies move, guided not by choreography, but by the sacred pulse of the yoga mantras.  In this dance of devotion, time loses its grip, and we find ourselves suspended in the eternal present. The music guides us, and we follow its lead, trusting the flow of existence to carry us where we need to be. @ahanayoga @miami @designdistrict 

Morning Rituals

A magical transformation unfolds each morning as the first rays of sunlight grace the horizon of Miami Beach.  Along the sandy shores, a community of early risers gathers, by bike, foot, and swim, each drawn by the allure of the sun’s awakening embrace. Yoga mats unfurl, forming a graceful patchwork of poses, as bodies mirror the ebb and flow of the South Beach tides.

Storied Monumental

Embark on a journey to an ageless realm of wonder, where the storied monuments of Washington, DC materialize anew. In this monochromatic tapestry, hues dissolve, unveiling the stark beauty of architectural icons. They rise, uncolored yet resolute, against the canvas of history, adorned with intricate embellishments, bathed in the dramatic dance of light and shadow. In each captured moment, the very spirit of the nation’s soul is unveiled — tracing the echoes of footsteps etched in time and the aspirations of tomorrows stories yet to unfold. #MonochromeDC #CapturedEssence#whitehouse #lincolnmemorial 

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