One Love

As I drive by Fleet Street in Kingston, Jamaica, the walls resonate with unity, passion, and a dreamscape where melodies and memories dance together. Bold shades of red, yellow, black, and green create a mosaic of feelings, with each brushstroke narrating stories of strength and beat. The aroma of history hangs in the breeze, blending with the rhythms of reggae reverberating through the alleys. A complex history of slavery and struggle intertwines with the aspirations for freedom and equality.  On many of the walls a  “Six Star with a Seven Inside,” is seen as a representation of the Jamaican national motto: “Out of Many, One People.” The six-pointed star represents the country’s six original ethnic groups: Taino, Spaniards, Africans, British, Indians, and Chinese. The seventh shape inside the star symbolizes the unity that arises from the diverse people coming together as one nation. It serves as a powerful emblem of Jamaican identity, inclusivity, and unity in diversity. It’s a narrative of liberation from the shackles of colonialism and the fight against gender oppression. Amidst it all, there’s a palpable sense of optimism in Jamaica for a brighter future, where diversity thrives and love prevails.

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